
Tag: Local/Boston area [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Cure Huntington's Disease 
Year: 2015 
Handy consent booklet 
Overthrow the status quo - a super rad kickass primer about zines 
Year: 2017 
Speaking with a stoma 
Year: 2017 
You matter always: A zine about making the world less shitty 
Year: 2017 
Life after the red zone 
Year: 2017 
ANAlog: dispatches on d.i.y anorexia recovery 
Volume: 1 
Year: 2013 
ANAlog: dispatches on d.i.y anorexia recovery 
Volume: 2 
Environmental Law: What we know and what we need to do 
Year: 2020 
Series: BIO 218 
The struggle for quality of life 
Year: 2020 
Series: BIO 218